Case Study - Remark Glass


Remark Glass is a sustainability glassware company based out of Philadelphia that produces home accessories from post-consumer bottle glass. We helped the client migrate from WordPress to a custom Shopify site.

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The Problem

Here are the clients responses:

What problem were you having before working with us?

"We had a clunky, difficult to navigate website that was housed on Wordpress. We didn't get many e-commerce sales from it and it was a bit outdated."

What did the frustration feel like as you tried to solve that problem?
"It was difficult to manage the website and took a lot of time to work on Wordpress. It also was frustrating knowing that we have a good product but our website wasn't showcasing it effectively to our customers."

The Solution

We designed a custom site for the client using Figma. We then took that design and created a pixel-perfect Shopify site. The theme was built in a way such that the client will be able to update the site without having to pay a monthly fee for website support.

When it comes to e-commerce sites, we always recommend Shopify because they are user friendly for both merchants and developers, and they have great conversion tools.

The Result

"Now that you've redesigned our website, the ecommerce sales have grown tremendously. It was an immediate 3x increase in revenue and since then has continued to perform well. It makes it easier knowing that when we do go viral on social media and have strong email campaigns, those will then convert into sale. Additionally, the website management has been very easy and we've been able to make updates autonomously."

- Michelle White

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